
Spring into Spring

Spring is my favorite time of the year. I love the smell of fresh flowers, the warmth of the sun greeting a new day, and the joy of new beginnings found in nature all around me. In the spring, I feel as if I can do almost anything. Spring is a time of forgetting the past, leaving winter behind, and looking forward to the future with renewed energy.

Today becomes the by-word. Yesterday is gone and, I cannot change it. Tomorrow is only a dream, not even a promise, but today, today is mine. Today I can start the diet, write the letter, send a postcard to a friend, and take my granddaughter to lunch. Today I can put into motion all those marvelous ‘what-ifs’ niggling in the outer edges of my mind. Today I start again.

Spring is a time for forgiveness and change. Beginning again implies we failed the first time and maybe a second, third or more. But, in the spring we forget all that and our hope is renewed; the possibilities are endless.

To harness all the power of this season requires a deep resolution on my part. I must be willing to put the past behind me, forgive myself, and anyone else involved in my failures, and look forward. This is not always easy for our frail human nature. Jesus is the ultimate example of forgiveness. He forgave me, and he has forgiven millions of others for horrendous deeds.

If Jesus can withstand the indignity of the cross and continue to love us, why do we have such a hard time forgiving ourselves and each other?

Un-forgiveness is the acid that eats our hopes away. How can we expect to move forward if we are chained to the past by hatred and Un-forgiveness? Families that master the art of forgiving can have a positive impact anywhere. Families, who harbor grudges, refusing to see the other person’s perspective, live in anger, hate, and resentment that will, by its very nature destroy them.

Learning to live a life of mercy is not easy. It requires pain and struggle. People hurt us both intentionally and unintentionally. We must remember that they and they only, will answer to God for their actions. We will account for our own. When we trust God to keep score, our minds are free to do other things. We can concentrate on the important things in life with fewer lines and wrinkles.

While learning the art of forgiving others, we must not forget to forgive ourselves. We all make mistakes, live with regrets, and hurt others. We fail, grow weary and even undependable at times, but we must accept these weaknesses, strive to overcome them, and move forward. Forgiveness brings change. By choosing to forgive, we choose life and set in motion all those lovely things found on a beautiful spring day.

Closing Prayer: Father, search my heart to root out all seeds of bitterness and anger that I may feel against another. Remind me daily that my brothers and sisters are Your children and that Your Son died for them as well as for me. If there is a hidden root help me to destroy it that it can never spring to life again. Let my life reflect Your love and mercy that I can glorify You in everything.

Closing Thought: Has someone caused you suffering in your life that you just can’t bring yourself to forgive? Do you tell yourself that they had no right and to forgive them will only make you appear weak? Not so. To forgive is the only way for you to gain the spiritual strength you are seeking from God. Unforgiveness weighs heavily on you like a stone around your neck. When you release this person in forgiveness, you release yourself as well.


  • Dr. Sharon Schuetz

    Dr. Sharon Schuetz and her late husband, Michael, served as pastors of the Sebastopol Community Church for seven and one-half years. She and Michael served as pastors in seven churches since 1988, most of them in the Pentecostal Church of God, Joplin, MO. The Schuetz family has ministered to couples through counseling, ministry, women, and marriage retreats. She served as the District Youth President over the state of New Mexico, where she traveled two weeks each month preaching youth rallies. She organized youth camps, retreats, etc., during her tenure. Dr. Schuetz graduated from Cornerstone University, Lake Charles, LA. Dr. Schuetz was hired as Cornerstone University's Administrative Director after completing her Ph.D. in Clinical Christian Counseling in 1998. In 1998, the Schuetz family moved to Lake Charles. They lived on campus, taught classes, and held graduation ceremonies at satellite campuses. They were married for 45 ½ years, with three children and ten grandchildren. Dr. Schuetz became the Senior Pastor after Michael's passing in December 2021 and served for 18 months before resigning to pursue full-time ministry at WOW Women. In over 37 years in ministry, they hoped to reveal God's love to all. Dr. Schuetz loves to break God's Word into understandable principles and teach people how to apply them to their lives.

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About Dr. Sharon Schuetz (32 Articles)
Dr. Sharon Schuetz and her late husband, Michael, served as pastors of the Sebastopol Community Church for seven and one-half years. She and Michael served as pastors in seven churches since 1988, most of them in the Pentecostal Church of God, Joplin, MO. The Schuetz family has ministered to couples through counseling, ministry, women, and marriage retreats. She served as the District Youth President over the state of New Mexico, where she traveled two weeks each month preaching youth rallies. She organized youth camps, retreats, etc., during her tenure. Dr. Schuetz graduated from Cornerstone University, Lake Charles, LA. Dr. Schuetz was hired as Cornerstone University's Administrative Director after completing her Ph.D. in Clinical Christian Counseling in 1998. In 1998, the Schuetz family moved to Lake Charles. They lived on campus, taught classes, and held graduation ceremonies at satellite campuses. They were married for 45 ½ years, with three children and ten grandchildren. Dr. Schuetz became the Senior Pastor after Michael's passing in December 2021 and served for 18 months before resigning to pursue full-time ministry at WOW Women. In over 37 years in ministry, they hoped to reveal God's love to all. Dr. Schuetz loves to break God's Word into understandable principles and teach people how to apply them to their lives.
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